
  • Welcome to the Macopin Middle School Guidance Department. Our counselors work with students, teachers, and parents to help ensure that a student’s middle school experience is as positive as possible. Most important is the idea that this journey is a team effort.

    Adolescence can be a tumultuous time for a variety of reasons. Peer-relationships, familial relationships, and increasing academic demands can combine to place greater stress on the developing adolescent. Our staff provides support, encouragement, and guidance as students negotiate this unique, exciting, and often times challenging period of their lives.

    Our program includes individual and group work with students who seek support and/or guidance. Our counselors follow the American Counseling Association’s code of ethics providing a place where students can feel safe to discuss concerns related to all aspects of their lives.

    Throughout the year, the counseling department may run groups in order to provide support in areas including divorce, diabetes, study skills, and anger management. These groups are offered to both 7th and 8th graders. Not all groups run every year.

    In addition to counseling services within the context of school, our department offers a variety of peer-tutoring options. A description of these programs is provided via the Peer-tutoring link on this website. Transition planning and programs are also provided in cooperation with our six elementary schools and the high school at appropriate times throughout the year. Information related to applying to out of district high schools can also be accessed through the counseling office should there be an interest.

    When to Contact Your Child’s School Counselor:

                Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact the appropriate school counselor if:

    • you feel your child is having difficulty with school, familial, or social issues.
    • you have concerns/questions regarding your child’s academic performance.
    • you have questions about planning for transitioning your child to high school.
    • you need assistance in finding an outside counseling agency for your child.
    • you would like assistance in setting up a meeting with your child’s teachers.
    • there has been a significant change, loss, or stressor in your child’s life at home.